Can I use my existing domain name with a decentralized website?

Can i use existing domain name with decentralized website?

No, you cannot directly use your existing domain name with a decentralized website. Traditional domain names, known as top-level domains (TLDs) such as .com, .org, or country-specific TLDs, are managed by centralized domain registrars and operate on the traditional DNS (Domain Name System).

Decentralized websites, on the other hand, use domain names registered with decentralized naming systems such as Ethereum Name Service (ENS) or other blockchain-based naming systems. These decentralized domain names typically end with an extension like .eth (e.g., mywebsite.eth).

While it's not possible to use your existing domain name directly with a decentralized website, you may consider alternatives such as:

  1. Redirects: You can set up a redirect from your existing domain name to the decentralized domain name of your decentralized website. This way, when users visit your existing domain, they will be automatically redirected to your decentralized website.

  2. Subdomain: If your existing domain name allows subdomain creation, you can create a subdomain and associate it with your decentralized website's decentralized domain name. For example, you can create a subdomain like and map it to your decentralized domain name.

These approaches can help bridge the gap between your existing domain name and your decentralized website, providing a smoother transition for your users. However, it's important to note that the actual content and hosting of your decentralized website would still be managed through the decentralized infrastructure (e.g., IPFS) associated with your decentralized domain name.

Last updated