Twitter Tweet ✖️

How to add Twitter Tweet block on your decentralized website

  • Add the Twitter Tweet block:

    • Click on the "Add Blocks" button or a similar option available in the editor.

    • Look for the Twitter Tweet block option and select it.

  • Configure the Twitter Tweet block:

    • In the block settings, you'll find options to customize the appearance and content of the Twitter Tweet block.

    • Tweet URL: Paste the URL of the specific tweet you want to embed in the block.

    • Theme Selection: Choose the desired theme for the tweet block, such as dark mode or light mode.

  • Submit and save:

    • Click on the submit button or a similar option to add the Twitter Tweet block with the specified settings.

  • Save and preview your changes:

    • Save your modifications in the editor.

    • Click the "Preview" button or a similar option to view your Link Tree decentralized website.

    • Check that the Twitter Tweet block is now added with the embedded tweet and the selected theme.

By following these steps, you can easily add a Twitter Tweet block to your Link Tree decentralized website, allowing visitors to view and interact with a specific tweet directly on your website.

Last updated