Heading 🅰️

How to add Heading block on your decentralized website template

Customizing Heading Block 🅰️:

Add a heading block:

  • Click on the "Add Blocks" option in the builder interface.

  • Look for the "Heading" block in the block library and add it to the canvas area.

  • Customize the heading text:

    • Within the heading block, click on the text area or the existing placeholder text.

    • Edit the text to your desired heading content, such as the title or a section heading.

  • Select the heading level:

    • Within the heading block, locate the "Heading Level" option.

    • Choose the appropriate heading level from the available options, ranging from H1 to H6.

    • Select the heading level that best suits the importance and hierarchy of the content.

  • Style and format the heading:

    • Utilize the customization options available within the builder to customize the appearance of the heading.

    • This includes options to change the font, font size, font weight, color, alignment, and other styling attributes.

    • Modify the settings according to your desired visual representation of the heading.

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