Vimeo ๐Ÿ“น

How to add Vimeo block to your Decentralized website

  • Add the Vimeo block:

    • Click on the "Add Blocks" button available in the editor.

    • From the list of available blocks, locate and select the Vimeo block.

  • Enter the Vimeo video URL:

    • A pop-up window will appear, prompting you to provide the Vimeo video URL.

    • Open a separate tab or window and go to Vimeo (

    • Find the Vimeo video you want to add to your Link Tree website.

    • Copy the URL of the Vimeo video from the address bar of your browser.

    • Return to the pop-up window in the 1W3 editor and paste the Vimeo video URL into the provided field.

  • Submit:

    • After pasting the Vimeo video URL, click on the "Submit" button in the pop-up window.

  • Preview the Vimeo display:

  • Save your modifications in the editor.

  • Click on the "Preview" button or a similar option to view your Link Tree decentralized website.

  • Check that the Vimeo block is displaying correctly and showcasing the Vimeo video based on the provided URL.

By following these steps, you can add a Vimeo block to your Link Tree decentralized website and embed your Vimeo videos for visitors to enjoy without leaving your site.

Last updated