Paypal 💵

How to add Paypal block to your Decentralized website

  • Add the PayPal block:

    • Click on the "Add Blocks" button.

    • From the list of available blocks, locate and select the PayPal block.

  • Configure the PayPal block:

    • In the block settings, you'll find various editing options for the PayPal block.

    • Payment Types: Choose the desired payment type from the available options, such as "Buy Now," "Add to Cart," or "Donation."

    • Currency Code: Specify the currency code for the payment, such as USD, EUR, GBP, etc.

    • Price: Set the price for the product or service you're offering through PayPal.

    • Thank You URL: Provide the URL where users will be redirected after successful payment.

    • Canceled Payment URL: Specify the URL where users will be redirected if the payment is canceled.

    • Name of the Receiver: Enter the name of the person or organization that will receive the payment.

    • Open in New Tab Toggle: Choose whether the PayPal payment link should open in a new tab or the current tab.

    • Image Thumbnail, Icon: Customize the visual representation of the PayPal block by adding an image thumbnail or icon.

    • Text Color, Alignment, Background Color, Border Color, Border Width, Border Radius, Border Style: Customize the appearance of the PayPal block using these options.

    • Animation and Animation Duration: Apply animations to the PayPal block and set the duration of the animation.

  • Save and preview your changes:

    • Save your modifications in the editor.

    • Click on the "Preview" button or a similar option to view your Link Tree decentralized website.

    • Check that the PayPal block is displaying correctly with the configured payment options and visual customization.

By following these steps, you can add a PayPal block to your decentralized Link Tree website and offer users a seamless way to make payments for your products, services, or donations.

Last updated