Paypal 💵
How to add Paypal block to your Decentralized website
Add the PayPal block:
Click on the "Add Blocks" button.
From the list of available blocks, locate and select the PayPal block.
Configure the PayPal block:
In the block settings, you'll find various editing options for the PayPal block.
Payment Types: Choose the desired payment type from the available options, such as "Buy Now," "Add to Cart," or "Donation."
Currency Code: Specify the currency code for the payment, such as USD, EUR, GBP, etc.
Price: Set the price for the product or service you're offering through PayPal.
Thank You URL: Provide the URL where users will be redirected after successful payment.
Canceled Payment URL: Specify the URL where users will be redirected if the payment is canceled.
Name of the Receiver: Enter the name of the person or organization that will receive the payment.
Open in New Tab Toggle: Choose whether the PayPal payment link should open in a new tab or the current tab.
Image Thumbnail, Icon: Customize the visual representation of the PayPal block by adding an image thumbnail or icon.
Text Color, Alignment, Background Color, Border Color, Border Width, Border Radius, Border Style: Customize the appearance of the PayPal block using these options.
Animation and Animation Duration: Apply animations to the PayPal block and set the duration of the animation.
Save and preview your changes:
Save your modifications in the editor.
Click on the "Preview" button or a similar option to view your Link Tree decentralized website.
Check that the PayPal block is displaying correctly with the configured payment options and visual customization.
By following these steps, you can add a PayPal block to your decentralized Link Tree website and offer users a seamless way to make payments for your products, services, or donations.
Last updated